
•September 23, 2010 • 1 Comment

Further projections about my cousin:

Really makes me proud, and I will keep supporting his efforts.

“Frédérick Sigrist refait l’actu”, funny man

•April 29, 2010 • 1 Comment

I have to spread the info. Today I went to see a stand up comedian, Frédérick Sigrist, and I must say that I was very pleasantly surprised. Not knowing the guy, and having quickly read about him in the culture section of a free newspaper, it is true that I didn’t expect much coming in, but over the 1h15 of the show I must have  spent a good 30 to 45 minutes laughing out loud. After passing the first impression of an unknown comic and getting over the exaggerated laughs of some guy in the back who seemed to show that he had his money’s worth, I got into the show which had amazingly well written transitions, and very good jokes (including fresh news from the past week or so, which means the guy actually updates his material regularly).

The best part is that until May 26th (basically the first month of the show), the entrance fee is only 3€s! Yes only 3€, and he personally collects donations at the exist, so you basically give what you think it was worth depending on what you can afford. The downside being that the show is in a small room with barely enough ventilation to breathe, especially considering it’s starting to get hot in Paris (only the strategic seats in the middle can enjoy the AC directed on them).

So heads up to Frédérick Sigrist, and I encourage anybody in Paris to go see his show: Monday through Wednesday, 20h15 at Funambule Montmartre (go on the website and make a reservation).

I wish him all the success he deserves.

R.I.P. Saïd Bourarach

•April 4, 2010 • Leave a Comment
Ces dernières semaines, des gestes de violence se multiplient, et je tenais à parler d’une affaire dont on ne parle pas assez à mon goût.
Un vigile a été agressé, et a été retrouvé noyé. Aucune indignation des politiques (non, ce n’était pas un policier), ni de grande mobilisation. Pourtant, les circonstances sont douteuses. Tout à commencé par un homme qui fait son travail en refusant l’entréedans un magasin après l’heure de fermeture. L’homme à mal réagi à ce refus, une escalade de mots a énervé le client, qui estrevenu avec du renfort. Au total 6 personnes sont revenues pour se venger… Résultat, le vigile est retrouvé noyé et les agresseursont pris la fuite.
Ce qui me révolte est que certains médias reportent que les accusées maintiennent que le vigile aurait eu des propos antisémites, comme si cela justifierait de tels actes au circonstances dramatiques. De plus, l’enquête est menée autour des circonstances de cette chute: est-il tombé, se serait-il jeté pour fuir, aurait-il été poussé. Bien entendu les accusés nient l’avoir pousser. STOP! Pousser quelqu’un ne se limite pas à l’acte physique, en effet il est indéniable que ces individu on provoquer cette chute de manière physique directe ou par une incitation indirecte forte. Le résultat est le même; ces voyous ont causé la mort de cette personne qui faisait son travail.
Je pense à sa  famille, sa femme et ses enfants dont il vivait éloigné pour gagner sa vie…

The Blind Side

•March 8, 2010 • Leave a Comment

I was very surprised to read what appeared to be 2 antagonistic piece of info in the news. First I saw that Sandra Bullock was named worst actress of 2009, and then that she received an Academy Award for Best Actress. I knew that the Oscar was for her performance in the Blind Side, and I was wondering if other people considered the same performance as horrible. In fact it was for some other movie (All About Steve) that I haven’t even heard about.

Now back to the title, it’s a shame that Football (for Europeans, read American Football) isn’t popular enough in France (and Europe in general) to screen movies that talk about that sport. I think it was a good movie, but most important, based on a moving true story (around generosity, and hope). Thanks to my aunt, she insisted to watch it with me while I was in Canada, and I do not regret it.

Another step

•January 30, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Another step in my cousin’s football adventure: being invited to play against team USA with a selection of the best players worldwide.

Now lets hope he’ll have the best game possible, and as usual deliver hard hits!

Pirart Society Online Store!!! (Latest DejaVu-Production project)

•November 20, 2009 • 1 Comment

DejaVu-Production’s latest project is finally up and running! To find tons of original art, clothes and toys, I would urge you to check out the website. With the holiday season coming up, you could find unique gift ideas to please your family and friends!

C’est ça la France

•September 11, 2009 • 1 Comment

For those with a remote interest in French politics and social issues, I would like to share something that raises a debate in France.

All over the french media, and on the internet we are talking about  French minister (Minister of the Interior to be exact) caught saying words that can easily be qualified of racist.

In short what the conversation can be translated as follows:

Female voice –  He eats pork and drinks beer!

Mr. Hortefeux –  He does not match the prototype at all then! There is always one! When there is only one, it’s okay. It’s when there are many that problems begin.

To let you know what a beautiful democracy we live in, all Ministers (including the Prime Minister) support him completely. For his defense, the argument is that he was talking about “taking pictures…”. From the conversation, that is simply ridiculous.

To give a little background, a few weeks ago, this same Minister of the Interior suspended a chief officer (Préfet), because that officer was suspected in a racist altercation in an airport. That officer defended himself (he sure has a history of himself since he had many similar lawsuits involving racism attacks), saying that this story was all just a manipulation of the Minister who wants to appear like a defender of anti-racism. At that time, I thought this man was simply mad; but today I simply suspect that the whole circle is simply racist, and doing its best to hide it. Now the difference is that there is a video recording of the matter involving the Minister.

Last reminder, you can barely be surprised of this situation when the current president is known for saying about our beautiful country: “France, either you love it or you leave it”.

+1 FOR THE FRENCH REPUBLIC! You gotta love democracy when it proves that the French majority is simply trying to hide its underlying racist nature. Naming ministers from African descent doesn’t change anything! You need to genuinely act in a tolerant way to lead by example, that is if you actually are convinced of what you preach….

What surprises me is the very little emotion that this affair has raised, and the lack of popular reaction.

Ramadan Kareem

•August 22, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Luckily, the weather has been cooling down these days, which marks the welcoming of the month or ramadan!

Of course, my thoughts go to those who suffer from true hunger, extreme weather and other challenging living conditions.

God bless!

A week in Italy (dedicated to Pietro Antonio)

•August 16, 2009 • Leave a Comment

A bit late, I have to share a few stories about my lively trip to Italy.

I had the pleasure to attend a friend’s wedding in Titignano (a few 100km away from Rome), which was simply amazing. The setting was breathtaking, the food was excellent (and seemed to keep coming, I won’t give details about the 8 or was it 10 course meal). I had the privilege to stay in an amazing room with stairs in the room going straight to a huge washroom, with bathtub, shower… Basically a duplex with the bathroom the size of the big bedroom (with a massive bed). No words can reflect the pleasure I had (especially seeing old friends I hadn’t seen in 10 years; LITERALLY). Great wedding, and great high school friends reunion.

Next step was a road trip by car coming back to France, by driving North of Italy. I will avoid details but 2 stories.

First, we parked the car in an overpriced parking at the entrance of Venice one of our major stops), and started walking through the city. When we figured out we wouldn’t manage to find by ourselves (Venice works with neighbourhoods rather than streets, which made it complicated) we stopped to ask direction. First, a waiter at a restaurant simply didn’t want to help us, but then we asked a man on his yellow motor boat. He barely spoke any English, but didn’t hesitate to take out hotel names and phone numbers, called them, and simply offered to take us. To avoid bad surprises, I asked how much it would be (hearing a man 5m away offering us his taxi services), and he simply refused to take any money. It was his personal boat, and he was in front of his street, and simply wanted to welcome us in Venice! HOW AMAZING WAS THAT! His name was Pietro Antonia, and I he must be one of the friendliest person in Venice (knowing that pretty much everybody there is a tourist, I have to be right).

Venice Yellow Boat

Apart from that, Venice is a Labyrinth full of tourist (I cannot emphasise it enough), nothing THAT amazing.

Second, was the fact that I ran into KOBE BRYANT! Yes, he was there with his beautiful wife and daughters, with only one body guard. Apart from the American tourists, nobody hardly recognised him. I was kindly asked to not take pictures…

We ended up with good news: “HENRI DES SE LAISSE POSSER LA MOUSTACHE!!!”

Home made nuggets

•June 15, 2009 • 2 Comments

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